MS-01: Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
MS-02: Advances in Mathematical Biology and Ecology
MS-03: Applied and Computational Complex Analysis
MS-04: Advances in Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology, Health and Medicine
MS-05: High-Dimensional Control and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
MS-06: Innovative Approaches with Numerical Methods and Data
MS-07: Interactions Among Analysis, Optimization and Network Science
MS-08: Nonlinear Data Assimilation and Parameter Estimation
MS-09: Numerical Methods for PDE Interface Problems
MS-10: Partial differential equations and deep learning: advances and applications
MS-11: Recent Advances in Numerical Algorithms for Computational Fluid Dynamics
MS-12: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
MS-13: Recent Development on Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of PDEs
MS-14: Recent Progress in Applied Inverse Problems and Imaging
MS-15: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations II
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Time |
Event |
Location |
7:45a-8:15a |
Registration (Remains open until 2:30 PM)
Outside MNLC 151 |
8:15a-8:30a |
Opening Remarks
MNLC 151 |
8:30a-9:30a |
Plenary Talk-1: Hongkai Zhao, Duke University
MNLC 151 |
9:30a-9:40a |
Transition to parallel mini-symposia
MNLC to Haag/Royall |
9:40a-10:00a |
Coffee Break
Outside of Haag 301 |
10:00a-11:20a |
Mini-Symposium 02-A |
Royall 305 |
Mini-Symposium 04-A |
Haag 312 |
Mini-Symposium 05-A |
Haag 301 |
Mini-Symposium 07-A |
Royall 402 |
Mini-Symposium 08-A |
Haag 315 |
Mini-Symposium 09-A |
Royall 403 |
Mini-Symposium 10-A |
Haag 309 |
Mini-Symposium 12-A |
Haag 301 |
Mini-Symposium 13-A |
Haag 306 |
Mini-Symposium 14-A |
Haag 302 |
Contributed Talks 1-A |
Royall 206 |
11:20a-1:20p |
Lunch Break
Restaurants near UMKC |
1:20p-2:20p |
Plenary Talk-2: Carol Woodward, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MNLC 151 |
2:20p-2:30p |
Transition to parallel mini-symposia
MNLC to Haag/Royall |
2:30p-3:50p |
Mini-Symposium 01-A |
Haag 312 |
Mini-Symposium 02-B |
Royall 305 |
Mini-Symposium 03-A |
Haag 309 |
Mini-Symposium 05-A |
Royall 404 |
Mini-Symposium 06-A |
Haag 307 |
Mini-Symposium 07-B |
Royall 402 |
Mini-Symposium 09-B |
Royall 403 |
Mini-Symposium 11-A |
Haag 315 |
Mini-Symposium 12-B |
Haag 301 |
Mini-Symposium 13-B |
Haag 306 |
Mini-Symposium 14-B |
Haag 302 |
Contributed Talks 1-B |
Royall 206 |
3:50p-4:10p |
Coffee Break
Outside of Haag 301 |
4:10p-5:30p |
Mini-Symposium 01-B |
Haag 312 |
Mini-Symposium 02-C |
Royall 305 |
Mini-Symposium 05-B |
Royall 404 |
Mini-Symposium 06-B |
Haag 307 |
Mini-Symposium 07-C |
Royall 402 |
Mini-Symposium 08-B |
Haag 315 |
Mini-Symposium 09-C |
Royall 403 |
Mini-Symposium 12-C |
Haag 301 |
Mini-Symposium 13-C |
Haag 306 |
Contributed Talks 2-A |
Royall 314 |
Poster session |
Third Floor of Haag between rooms 313 and 315 |
5:30p-5:45p |
Transition to NSF panel
Group Photo at 5:40 pm in front of the Student Union
Haag/Royall to Student Union |
5:45p-6:30p |
NSF panel Q&A
Student Union 401 |
6:30p-6:40p |
Student Union 401 |
6:40p-9:00p |
Conference Dinner
Student Union 401 |
Sunday, October 6, 2024
8:30a |
Registration (Remains open until 11:00 AM)
MNLC 151 |
9:00a-10:00a |
Plenary Talk-3: Todd Arbogast, University of Texas at Austin
MNLC 151 |
10:00a-10:10a |
Transition to parallel mini-symposia
MNLC to Royall/Haag |
10:10a-10:30a |
Coffee Break
Outside of Haag 301 |
10:30a-11:50a |
Various Minisymposia
Mini-Symposium 04-B |
Haag 312 |
Mini-Symposium 06-C |
Haag 307 |
Mini-Symposium 07-D |
Royall 402 |
Mini-Symposium 09-D |
Royall 403 |
Mini-Symposium 11-B |
Haag 315 |
Mini-Symposium 12-D |
Haag 301 |
Mini-Symposium 14-C |
Haag 302 |
Contributed Talks 2-B |
Royall 314 |