Paul Rulis (he/him)

Paul Rulis
Associate Professor
Graduate Coordinator
Science and Engineering

Contact Info
Flarsheim Hall 250D
Computational materials physics, first principles calculations, density functional theory, structural and functional materials modeling, method development


Paul Rulis joined the faculty of the UMKC Physics and Astronomy Program in 2011. He leads the Computational Physics Group and is co-leader of the Electronic Structure Group with Curators’ Prof. Emeritus Wai-Yim Ching. His research interests center around the theme of computational condensed matter physics and materials science. Prof. Rulis splits his time approximately evenly between the development of computational methods and the application of them to outstanding or novel materials problems. Prof. Rulis is a member of the Campus Champions organization for helping people at UMKC to learn about, gain access to, and use the computer systems of the NSF sponsored ACCESS project.