Daniel McIntosh

Daniel McIntosh
Science and Engineering

Contact Info
Flarsheim Hall 250M
STEM Higher Education (student-centered and interactive pedagogy, equity-minded assessment, broadening student success); Extragalactic Astrophysics (galaxy demographics, galaxy assembly by gravitational interactions, galaxy activity fueling)


Professor McIntosh joined UMKC in 2008. He divides his research efforts between addressing major challenges in STEM higher education and investigating changes in galactic populations over cosmic time.

Prof. McIntosh is an expert in increasing and broadening the recruitment, retention, and persistence to degree completion of STEM-minded students. He has initiated programs and developed strategic frameworks for improving student success in foundational math and science courses, for providing equitable undergraduate research and STEM workforce preparation experiences, for providing historically underrepresented high schoolers early-college experiences that cultivate their STEM college degree aspirations, and for facilitating faculty excellence toward these urgent needs.

As a "galaxy demographer", McIntosh and his team of student researchers in the UMKC Galaxy Evolution Group track the growth and development of galaxies during cosmic history utilizing premiere surveys such as CANDELS - the most comprehensive survey of distant galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope. Click here to learn more about the growth and development of galaxies during cosmic history.

Ongoing STEM Education and Workforce Development Projects

A Bridge to the Stars - a NASA-funded program, started at UMKC in 2012, for increasing high-school student interest and confidence in pursuing STEM degrees.

UMKC-ONR STEM Workforce Pathways Program - a Navy-funded program, started at UMKC in 2020, this program aims to build accessible pathways that benefit undergraduate students with real-world skills and experiences needed for research-related internships and careers.

Awards and Special Appointments

Director, STEM Education Innovation, Missouri Institute for Defense and Energy (2019-present)
Provost Fellow (2018-2019)
Extraordinary Professor of Physics, University of Western Cape (2017-present)
Affiliate (UMKC) Director, NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium (2010-2018)
Norman Royall Distinguished Professor (2017-2019)
President’s Award for Innovative Teaching, University of Missouri 4-Campus System (2016)
The Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Arts and Sciences (2014)

Academic Credentials

Ph.D., University of Arizona
B.S., University of California-Los Angeles

Teaching Areas

Introductory Astronomy Courses (Motions of the Cosmos, Starlight and Star Stuff)
Advanced Astrophysics Courses (Stellar Astrophysics, Galaxies)
UG Research Skills Training (Intro lab, Undergraduate Research)