Prof. Lee specializes in hydrogeology, geostatistical and computational modeling, and geophysical application in shallow environments. His research focuses on developing numerical and theoretical methodologies that merge various hydrologic, geologic, and geophysical data into a stochastic modeling framework to characterize uncertain hydrologic processes, contaminant transport, and unknown subsurface structures. His recent projects are to quantify impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on groundwater through integration of surficial processes, land use and vegetation. He teaches hydrogeology, geotechnics, environmental geophysics, spatial data analysis, and introductory environmental science for both undergraduate and graduate levels.
B.S., Geology (with honor), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
M.S., Geophysics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, IL
GEOL 220 General Geology
GEOL 341/5541 Environmental Geophysics
GEOL 370 Hydrogeology
GEOL 404 Geology of Fluids
GEOG 444 Spatial Data Analysis
GEOG 5544 Advanced Spatial Data Analysis
GEOL 551 Geotechnics
GEOL 5570 Advanced Hydrogeology
GEOL 598D Special Topic: Environmental Geology
GEOG 598F Special Topic: Geostatistics & Modeling
Full Scholarship Award for graduate study in abroad from ‘The Owoon Foundation’ (1997 – 2001)
Honor graduate, College of Natural Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1992)
Full Scholarship Award for undergraduate study from ‘The Owoon Foundation’ (1990 – 1992)
Ichoku, C., Ellison, L. T., Willmot, K. E., Matsui, T., Dezfuli, A. K., Gatebe, C. K., Wang, J., Wilcox, E. M., Lee, J., Adegoke, J., Okonkwo, C., Bolten, J., Policelli, F. S., and Habib, S., 2016, Biomass burning, land-cover change, and the hydrological cycle in Northern sub-Saharan Africa, Environmental Research Letter,
Burch, K., Lee, J., & Jin,J.-H., 2015, The Multiplicative Inverse Misfit Correlation approach for depth correlation of porosity in reservoir modeling. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 5565–5579. doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4564-7
Park, C., Lee, J., and Koo, M. H., 2013, “Development of a fully-distributed daily hydrologic feedback model addressing vegetation, land cover, and soil water dynamics (VELAS),” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 493: 43-56.
Babamaaji, R. A. and Lee, J., 2013, “Land use/land cover classification of the vicinity of Lake Chad using NIGERIASAT-1 and Landsat data,” Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2825-x.
Noronha, A. and Lee, J., 2013, “On the use of Information Theory for uncertain parameters in groundwater modeling,” Entropy, Vol. 15(6): 2398-2414. Doi:10.3390/e15062398.
Park, C., Seo, J., Lee, J., Ha, K., and Koo, M.-H., 2013, “A distributed water balance approach to groundwater recharge estimation for Jeju volcanic Island in Korea,” Geosciences Journal, DOI 10.1007/s12303-013-0063-6.